Email is a key component of how we get things done, especially in business. So much information can be contained in an email and many require the reader to take action such as RSVP to an event, or flight check in.
But, email is not efficient. For every email you send, users have to read the email, figure out what you are asking them to do, navigate to another page, and then take the action. Its a lot of steps and takes too long to process, and thats if the user decides to open the email. Its a cumbersome process and users get lost along the way by distractions. To make it worse, users receive too many emails a day, threatening your email to get buried in the inbox.
By adding email markup, you can make email smarter. Now, users can take action without leaving the inbox.
By adding schema.org markup to the emails you send, you can make the information in your email available across their Google experience, and make it easy for users to take quick action. Inbox, Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Search, and Google Now all already use this structured data.
Gmail supports 4 types of actions and 1 interactive card:
Rate and Review– Use to declare a review action. Gmail may show a review button next to the email, which will prompt the user for a numeric review value and / or a user comment.
One Click Actions– One-click actions allow users to perform operations directly from the inbox without having to leave Gmail or Inbox.
RSVP Actions– Use to declare an event with an RSVP action. An Event card will appear next to the email, including buttons for RSVP-ing attendance in the event.
Go to Actions– Go-To Actions take the user to your website where the action can be completed.
Flight Interactive Cards– Use this type to declare a reservation for air travel.
What This Means for You
By implementing these actions in the inbox, you will make it easier for your readers to take action on your email, rather than it getting lost in a swamped inbox, or them getting distracted along the way to taking action.
If you are interested in diving in and using Schema markup in your emails, the Google Developer Guide can help you along.