1. Create valuable content often
Tweeting often will get you more followers, but make sure you’re adding value through your tweets. Tweet links, tips or advice relating to your business or brand. Use a tweet-scheduling service like Buffer to plan your content and put it in front of your audience when they’re most likely to see it.
2. Engage with other users
Comment on relevant news, trending topics, and tweets that relate to your business or brand. Respond to people that talk about your brand or tweet at you.
Asking questions is perhaps the best way to get conversational on Twitter. Get ten people to answer a question you’ve tweeted and if even just one person retweets one of those ten replies (or your original question), you’ll have gained exposure to tons of new potential followers. Answer questions that other people have asked or add to their ideas to start a conversation.
3. Show your personality
Be yourself- and show your personality through your account. Use the platform to connect genuinely with the Twitter followers you already have. Also, fill out your bio with keywords so potential followers can find you and know who you are.
A final note: Be sure that you are letting your customers know that you are active on Twitter by having a follow button on your website and including a link your Twitter profile on your LinkedIn, Facebook, in your email signature and any other online presence you have.