Online Presence Coach

You Can’t Say No to Reputation Management

You don’t have to have a website. You don’t have to create a Facebook page for your company. You don’t have to even market online if you do not want to. However, what you have to do is to manage your online reputation. In other words, there is simply no way you can avoid this type of communication you have with your current and potential customers.

The reason is very simple. Any one of your clients can decide, at just about any time, that they have something to say about your business. And, they can easily do it online without your permission. That means that your customers can create a profile for your company on a site like Yelp and talk about their good or bad service without your permission. What that also means is that other customers, including potential ones, are going to read information about your company.

Be Proactive Instead of Reactive

Because there is no way to turn off your company’s information online so that prospective customers do not see it, you have to be proactive. That means that if you just sit around and wait for customers to write reviews for you, you’ll quickly find that you’ll have a stack of complaints to deal with. Here’s what you need to realize about reputation management even as a small company with little or no other online presence.

When it comes to online reputation management, you just have to do it. If you ignore it, you could end up struggling with more trouble than if you just took the time to consider your reputation today.