Online Presence Coach

How to Choose a Social Media Platform: Part II

When choosing a social media network to be active on, it is important to recognize that the demographics of each network are different. Based on your business’s target demographic, you should try to choose a network that best represents your audience. However, keep in mind that social media demographics change rapidly and ultimately you should choose a network you feel most confident using.

Facebook is still the most widely used network online with 1 billion active users on the network. The most represented demographic on the network are women and 18-29 year olds. However, with so many users, it has the most evenly distributed demographics of all the social media networks.

Twitter is most widely used among news sources and those looking for news updates. It has 560 million users or 18% of internet user on the network. It is particularly popular among those under 50, the college-educated urban dwellers. The service has seen significant increases among a number of demographic groups: men, whites, those ages 65 and older, those who live in households with an annual household income of $50,000 or more, college graduates, and urbanites.

LinkedIn’s core demographic are adults aged 30-40 who are in the prime of their career-rising years. LinkedIn’s demographic is also the majority well educated males, living in urban or suburban areas who are white-collar professionals.

Instagram has is most popular among young adults who access the network on mobile technology. Young adults make up 90% of Instagram’s demographics. Women are particularly likely to be on Instagram, along with Hispanics and African-Americans, and those who live in urban or suburban environments. Instagram is quickly becoming the most popular social media platform among young adults and teenagers

Google Plus users are majority male, well educated and in technical and engineering fields. Google reports that 300 million people a month globally visit the social network, either directly or indirectly though another Google service.

Pinterest’s users are primarily women, making up 80% of the network. The user ship of men has increased slightly in recent years. Other demographic groups that saw a notable increase in user ship include whites, those living in the lowest- and highest-income households, those with at least some college experience, and suburban and rural residents.


With this information in mind, and what you’ve learned from Part I, you should a good idea of where your target demographic is on social media.