Online Presence Coach

Example Emails to Request a Review Online

Why it is important to regularly ask for online reviews

Take a look at a few simple, straightforward, and effective emails you can send to your customers to request that they provide an online review. This is one of the best ways to boost your online credibility, improve brand image, and help increase your blog or website’s rankings. On Google My Business, once you have five or more reviews the ratings shows up in your search results. This helps your company stand out from others in searches.

Be sure to personalize any email you send to your customers based on what services you’ve offered. Sending an email like this can give them the opportunity to make a difference in your online presence.

Choose a time in your sales / business process where it makes sense to request a review. If you are a retailer, send them a request for a review after the third time they have made a purchase. If you are a contractor, send them a request after you have completed all of your deliverables. If you are a Realtor, consider asking your clients for a review after you sell their home.

The key is to do it regularly as part of how you operate. To create your Google My Business Review URL, follow these steps. To create a feedback form using Google forms, follow these steps.

Example #1:

Dear John Smith,


Thank you for being one of my most loyal clients over the years. It has been my pleasure helping <SERVICE OR PRODUCT YOU PROVIDE>. I am working on building my online presence on the web and as part of this, we are looking to my clients to share an online testimonial. Would you be willing to take ten minutes to provide me a review on Google+ or Yellow Pages?


This will allow those that search for me to understand the value I bring to my clients and allow me to stand out in search engine results. If you are willing (big thank you!), click on the link below for Google+ Review or Yellow Pages to provide a review. Click here to leave a Google+ review (link to your Google+ About page). This is your gmail account if you have one, or an account you have registered with Google.  Step by step instructions can be found here.


If you don’t have a Google account, it is no problem.  Instead, click on the link below to review me on Yellow Pages. Click here to leave a Yellow Pages Review (LINK TO YOUR YELLOW PAGES LISTING). Yellow pages will prompt you to login via Facebook, or to create an account.


Thank you so much for taking the time to provide me with an online testimonial. It is truly appreciated.


Best regards,


Example #2:

Dear John Smith,


Thank you for your recent purchase from company. We’re excited to count you as a customer. Our goal is always to provide our very best product so that our customers are happy. It’s also our goal to continue improving. That’s why we value your feedback.


We would love to hear from you. Feel free to respond to this email so we can learn about any comments or concerns you have. We also want to connect with you online. If you feel we’ve provided great value or would like to leave us feedback, please do so on Google My Business (INSERT LINK TO YOUR GOOGLE MY BUSINESS PAGE).


Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us feedback and review. This feedback is appreciated and very helpful to us.


Best regards,


Related Reading

Before we get to the next two examples, you may find three of our favorite books helpful to further improve your online reputation.

Example #3:

Dear John Smith,


We appreciate working with you. How are you liking our product or services? Recently, we’ve worked hard to build a higher quality product for our customers. We’ve listened to comments and concerns that our clients have passed along and integrated them into how we do business.


We would love to learn more about your opinion. If you have any concerns with the service we’ve provided please complete a form here (LINK TO GOOGLE FORM). We can then put your information to good use right away. If you love our product, please leave us a review. We work hard to achieve the goals of our customers, but we’re still a small company. We want to continue to offer good prices and top notch products. To do that, we need your help in growing our business.


Please take a few minutes to leave a raving review (if you think we deserve it) on our Google page (LINK TO GOOGLE MY BUSINESS PAGE). Thank you for helping us improve and for sharing your review online.


Best regards,


Example #4:

Dear John Smith,


Do you read online reviews? In today’s market of big companies overshadowing the little guys like us, online reviews are very important. They provide us with the information we need to continue to improve, but they also help us to get the word out about our product or service. That’s why we need your help.


Will you take a moment of your time to jot down a few notes about our service on our Google My business site (INSERT LINK TO GOOGLE MY BUSINESS PAGE)?  It’s a fast, simple way for you to make a difference in a company that’s providing you great products/services.


Give us a call today if you need immediate help or feedback about your product. We want to hear from you and are here to answer your questions.


Best regards,


Download “How to Generate Positive Reviews: A 10 Point Checklist”

Click Here to Download

I know you’re really interested in both email marketing and reviews, so what of the following topics would you like me to talk about next? Would you like to see emails specific to your industry, or software that helps automate the process, or maybe even ways to find time to do regularly do it?  Let us know in the comments below.