Online Presence Coach

Stop Talking About Yourself

One of the main tools consumers have to find your business online is your website. You likely have one, though you may not put much time into managing it or improving it. That’s generally okay to do, though having a blog with consistent fresh content is even better. One of the things you should do, though, is to look at the content on the website. Many businesses make the mistake of filling the pages about themselves. Well, what else are you supposed to do, you may be thinking. It’s time to stop talking about you and start talking about the consumer and prospective client reading your pages.

Are You a “We” Focused Website Owner?

You may be like many other small business and have a “we” focused website. In other words, you talk about what your company does. “We have 30 years of experience.” “We provide home improvement services.” “We provide great service.” While this may be providing important information, you are actually just focused on yourself. Instead, you’ll want to flip this around and turn the site into a “you” focused website instead.

Why do this? Consumers want to know about your company. Yet, they want to know what your company can do for them, rather than what you have accomplished or provide. In other words, how can you solve the customer’s problems?

Focus on a “You” Centered Site Instead

It does not have to be hard to create a website that is filled with “you” focused content. In fact, it is one of the most important changes you can make to your company’s website. A good way to do this is just to consider how everything applies to your business. Try, “Let our 30 years of experience give you peace of mind.” Or, “You’ll get all of the home improvement services you need from our team.” And, “You’ll always get dependable service to meet your needs.”

No matter what you do, your goal is to ensure your would be customers know how you can meet their needs. Just changing the tone of your website can make a big difference in this. Remember, even though you are focused on getting the work done, your ultimate goal is to build a strong customer service focused business. The best companies focus on meeting client needs to ensure they always give reliable service. Why do this? Because customers tend to come back and think highly of you. And, they tell their friends the same thing.