Online Presence Coach

How to Set Up a Blog on Blogger

Blogger is a Google-linked tool that allows the user to create their own blog and share it via Google+. Blogger is a great way to begin blogging and getting your thoughts out into the world. How does one set up their own Blog on Blogger? Please follow the below steps to begin your very own Blog:

  1. Go to Google Search, and search “Blogger”
  2. Select “Blogger”
  3. Link your Google Account to Blogger
  4. Add New Blog
  5. Choose your Title, Domain, and Template
  6. Drafting a Post
  7. How to Add Media to Post (Pictures and Video)
  8. Post Settings (Labels, Schedule, Location)
  9. Publish Blog

Step 1: Go to Google Search

Step 2: Select “Blogger”


Step 3: Link your Google Account with Blogger


This will then take you to confirm your profile:

Step 4: Add New Blog

On the Blogger Home Screen, select “New Blog” (as highlighted below:


Step 5: Choose your Title, Domain, and Template

After selecting “Add New”, the following  box will appear and ask you for a Title (this will be the Title of your new Blog), Domain, and Template you would like to use for your blog:

Once all required sections are filled in, select “Create Blog”.

Step 6: Creating your first Blog Post

After selecting “Create Blog!” you will be directed to creating a new post. There are a few things you can do from here:

1.) Change the page title

2.) Select desired font

3.) Add Media


If you are logging in after you have created your blog, click on the orange pencil icon to write a blog.




When you click on it, it will take you to a new page for you to add the content for your blog.

When you are done adding your content. You can save it (if you are not ready to publish it yet), publish it (put it on your blog for everyone to see), preview it (see what it will look like once you publish it, or close (discard it).  Make sure to click on one of these buttons before you navigate away.

Step 7: How to Add Media to Posts (Pictures)

To add pictures, select the picture icon on the top toolbar.




Then the following will pop up:



You can choose a number of options in order to input a picture onto your post.

Once the picture is uploaded, you are able to change the size, and position on your post:

Step 7: How to Add Media to Posts (Videos)

To add videos to your post, select the videos icon.



Once selected the following will appear:

Like the pictures, a number of options will appear, including the ability to search YouTube for the right video for your post.

Step 8: Post Settings (Labels)

Labels help Blogger users find your posts (when using the search capability). In order to add Labels to your posts, select “Post Settings” on the right side of the screen:

Select “Labels” and type in your desired labels for the post:


Step 8: Post Settings (Schedule)

The Schedule application allows you to choose when you would like the post to be posted. This allows the user to delay your posts to be posted on a specific date and time. To do so, select “Schedule” under “Post Settings:

Choosing the “Automatic Option” when scheduling will distribute the post automatically for your viewers to see. However, if you would like to delay the post, select “Set Date and Time”. Doing so will bring you to the following:

This will allow you to select the date, and time for your post. You can change the time zone from clicking on “time zone” and selecting the correct one from a drop down menu.

Step 8: Post Settings (Location)

If you have a location that is essential to have on your post (for example, posting about a restaurant, viewers would like to know where the restaurant is), select “Location” under “Post Settings”:

To select the Location, you can type in the address and hit search, a map will then appear. You can also name the location so your viewers understand what the map is for.

Step 9: Publish

In order to publish the blog, select “Publish” in the top right corner:

Once this is selected, your post will be published to your blog and you will have an end product that looks something like this:

Blogger is an effective tool to reach out to your clients and provide them with either updates on your services or tutorials to show them how to use a specific tool. Try out Blogger today to see how it can help your business communicate more effectively.