Online Presence Coach

Add details to your Google My Business Page

Google uses information in your Google My Business profile to place your company on the map. In addition, customers see your logo and brand when they search for your business and Google My Business appears on the right hand side of results.  For this reason, we recommend you claim your business on Google My Business, and complete your  profile information. In addition to the basic information (company website, hours of operations, description, address) we recommend you check your service range and add a company logo to enhance your profile. Here are the step by step instructions on how to do this.

Step 1: Go to Google My Business: and login using the account you used to claim your business. Once you have logged in, click on Edit Information.

Step 2: Add as much detail as possible to your Company page. Once you have added the basic information, we recommend you check your service range and add a company logo.

Step 3: Update your categories by clicking on Edit in the Categories section. Theses categories are important for determining which searches you’ll appear in. Pick your primary business category, as well as 2-3 secondary categories as appropriate.

Step 4: To update your service range, click on Edit in the Address section.

Check to make sure your Service Range is set appropriately.  For example, we have set the range for Hunch Manifest to 250km. If it is a virtual business, set to the max at 999km.   Click Save.

Step 5: To update the photos that appear on your Google My Business, click on Edit  Information in the photo section.

Click on Upload More, and select the photos you want to add. Prior to uploading photos, you may want to review the Photo Guidelines.


The last thing to change is your cover photo on your Google+ page for your business.  Go to the menu on the left and select your Google+ page.


When it comes up, navigate to the bottom left hand side of the graphic.  Select Change Cover photo.


Select one of Google’s photos or upload one of your own. This will differentiate the look of your Google+ page from the default.

Congratulations, you have successfully updated your Google My Business.  How did it go? Tell us what you did and how it worked on Facebook.