You can easily add a sign up form for your AWeber powered newsletter to your company Facebook page. This blog assumes that you are already using AWeber for your newsletters. If you are, just follow these simple steps to make it easier for visitors to your Facebook page to sign up for your newsletter:
1. First, log into your Facebook account. Once logged in, click this link to add the AWeber app. After the page loads click the “Add App to Page” button.
2. Once you agree to add the app, choose the page that you would like to add the app to.
This will take you to your Facebook page. Select the Facebook page you would like to add the app to from the drop down menu on the right of the navigation bar.
3. On your business page, you’ll now see a new app for Email Signup in the left side of the page.
4. On the next page, click the configure button. When it prompts you, enter your sign in information for your Aweber account.
5. Select the list and webform that you’d like to set up the sign up for.
Then click the save changes button to install your form. Now visitors to your Facebook page can sign up for your Aweber newsletter from your page.