Online Presence Coach

What You Can Learn from Tony Hsieh

You may know who Tony Hsieh is. He’s the CEO of Zappos, that large shoe-selling website. What you may not know, though, is about the man and the message behind this man. Even more interesting is his inspiration and motivation. It is something that every business owner, whether you are a small, online company or a large home improvement contractor, can learn from. As you consider your business marketing plan and how to improve your customer service skills, remember these key points from Mr. Hsieh.

Passion Matters Most

One of the key components to Zappos success is being passionate. According to Hsieh, you increase your chance of success by being passionate about your business, industry, and clients. You cannot get too caught up in the money aspect of your business to lose sight of the true reason you got started in it. According to Hsieh, “businesses that are run by people who are passionate about whatever the business is about tend to have a much higher return.” You’ll naturally work harder and put more work into your business when you have passion.

Understand What Motivates Others

A second important component to his success has to do with understanding people and, more precisely, what motivates them. Not only do you need to understand what motivates your customers, but also what motivates your employees. If they see your passion, they, too can be passionate. He also suggests that bonuses and increased salaries do not always work and can reduce productivity. Instead, he wants you to inspire your people through motivation that speaks to them.

Focus on Your Customer Not the Product

Another common mistake the many business owners make is focusing on their product. Are you an “our” focused company or are you a “you” focused company? The fact is, you need to meet the needs of the client not just pushing your product at the very best. Many businesses focus on their product or service, even when you are working on improving it, but they lose sight of the customer. You need to provide the very best customer service.

There’s no doubt that Zappos is wildly successful, but the reason for it comes from Tony Hsieh’s passion for what he is doing and providing. It is up to you, the small business owner in any industry, to be passionate about your business and industry, too. In many instances, this passion is what ends up defining your success.