Online Presence Coach

Adding Google Analytics Plugin to your WordPress site

These instructions build on the previous step of Setting up Google Analytics by taking the tracking ID you created and connecting it to code in your WordPress site. Don’t worry though, we aren’t going to make you study code to get this done. Lucky for you there is a plugin we can install that does all the coding for you.

Let’s get started.

Go to your WordPress Administration panel. This is likely at

Once you are logged in, click on Plugins>Add New on the left hand side  panel.

Next, enter”Google Analytics for WordPress” in the search box.


In the results, look for the plugin displayed below, published by Yoast.  Click on Install Now.

You will see the following screen. When it is complete, click on Activate Plugin.

Next you will be taken back to your home page for Plugins on WordPress. Now you need to configure the plugin. Look for the following banner at the top of the page and click on “Please configure your Google Analytics settings” link.

This will take you to the settings page for the Google Analytics for WordPress Configuration. This is where you are going to tell the plugin what your Google Analytics tracking ID is so that it can put the code in your WordPress site for Google to use to track your traffic and website data.

Start by authenticating with Google. Login with the same Google Account you used to setup your Google Analytics.   Click on “Click here to authenticate with Google.”

In the pop up, click “Accept.”


The next pop up will provide a code that you will have to copy.  Return to the application and paste your code into the text box.

Click the track outbound click and downloads check box and Save changes.

Congratulations!  You have now installed Google Analytics on your WordPress site!